+34 622 772 623 info@holonchiropractic.com


is to assist and empower you through chiropractic for a greater LIFE.


We highly respect and honour the body’s intelligence and its power of re-alignment when given the chance. We believe and like to build a strong relationship with you and our most important values: compassion, love, understanding, respect and truth.  To give you the best service and results we are continually growing, learning and mastering our skills through specialized trainings and seminars as we highly believe Chiropractic is an art. Our main goal is to support you for a better, happier and healthier life through our service, tools, insights, workshops and a personalised chiropractic progam care.


Our bodies are a community of 74 trillion intelligent cells all working towards a common goal: to express life & be healthy. 

Our bodies are our best doctors and the key to our nervous system. The master controller of all 75 trillion cells and is constantly regulating all the organs and systems in our bodies, including the healing process, to keep you alive and well.

As we look after our teeth, our spine needs regular care to keep it healthier as well. Chiropractic is a powerful tool to make sure the spine is properly aligned and the nervous system is well connected so the body performs at its best. 

Disease is common but it isn’t normal; wellbeing is normal. We guide you and support you for a happier and greater lifestyle. 


EnglishRadio – Interview


I have a passion for helping people and as such I have been motivated to learn various methods so that I have more tools to facilitate health in my patients. My drive to be able to taylor my adjustments to meet the specific need of the individual has inspired me to continue to learn more and refine the basics of what I already do. It is the refinement of basic components of any art that I believe leads to mastery, each patient helps teach me something new. I am fascinated by the body and often amazed in its ability to heal given the right conditions, especially a nervous system clear of obstruction. All techniques work, I have explored a fair few and I am discerning in those that I am pursuing mastery in.


Is a chiropractic care center based in Barcelona focus on ideals of wellness, health, creativity and empowerment – founded by Oliver Dawson D.C. Here you will find services, tools, workshops and insights centred on the relationship between self, practice and beyond through the art of adjustment. 

The adjustment is the utilisation of a precise contact on a specific location in the body in order to restore neurological connections and skeletal alignment. The focus of the adjustment is primarily directed to the vertebral column and cranium (head and facial bones), due to their close relationship with the central nervous system, which is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The finesse of adjusting takes into account that a good adjustment is not only ‘received’ in a passive sense, but is actively embraced by the patient as a team working together with the chiropractor.

The more receptive and open to the adjustment the patient is, the more welcome the adjustment is by the body. The best chiropractors are sensitive to this and work with the patient to gain trust and give an adjustment that is both honouring and powerful.


Once we’ve had the chance to meet you, examine you and present our Report Of Findings, you may be recommended a bespoke HOLON CHIROPRACTIC Care Plan. In some ways, one could say that a HOLON CHIROPRACTIC Care Plan is similar to house-building. It must start at the foundations and finish at the roof. If you tried to put your walls up before you had solid foundations, the walls would be unstable and may even eventually collapse. If you tried to put the roof on before the walls were ready… well you get the idea. These concepts do apply to your body’s healing as well.

HOLON CHIROPRACTIC care can address many common reasons why people experience acute or chronic pain and other short or long-term health challenges. If something is not right with your body’s foundations, then this needs to be addressed before true optimum health can be realised. With your bespoke HOLON CHIROPRACTIC Care Plan, your body must go through particular stages of care in order to for healing to begin and optimum health to stay. Learn more at BEGIN TODAY.

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