+34 622 772 623 info@holonchiropractic.com


Over the past 120 years many techniques have evolved through chiropractic. The power of chiropractic is beyond only the application of a specific technique protocol, but through the advancement of systems of analysis and adjusting methods the depth and spectrum of patients that can be helped continues to increase.

“Chiropractic simply releases life forces within the body, sets free rivulets of energy over nerves, and lets nature do her work in normal manner”  

BJ Palmer (founder of Chiropractic)

Applied Kinesiology (AK)

Oliver Dawson D.C. Chiropractor in Europe fully-certified in Applied Kinesiology (AK) by the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK).

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing.

During my years of practice, I’ve found AK to be a fascinating, and extremely effective tool in identifying the best solutions to get people well. AK has greatly facilitated my evolution as a chiropractor because it has given me an objective way to measure the effectiveness of the adjustment.

Cranial Facial Release (CFR)

An advanced endo-nasal cranial technique that has been used quite successfully in the treatment of various neurological and structural disorders.

Neuro-Structural Chiropractic (NSC)

Neuro-Structural Chiropractic is an approach that seeks to correct structural/ postural imbalance by utilising techniques which work with the intelligence of the nervous system and postural system.

The approach includes fully evaluating the the spinal structure for alignment, balance and strength. Postural distortion is calculated by using 3D structural analysis which can be re-evaluated and specific points in time whilst the patient is receiving Corrective Chiropractic care.

Structural distortion ‘poor postural’ is the normal state of most of the population and it is having devastating affects on the spine and health. At Born Chiropractic we aim to help show how if we work together we can show you how to correct these negative effects of our modern day environment.

Pregnancy Chiropractic Care (PCC) 

Effective and drug free approach to relive pain during pregnancy, by decreasing pressure on the joints, muscles and nerves of the spine and pelvis.

Sacro-occipital technique (SOT)

Sacro-occipital technique (SOT) is an excellent chiropractic technique which looks at the body as an integrated structural system. It is a useful system of analysis of distorted patterns throughout the spine, cranium and the connective tissue which connect all these region. SOT is a very gentle, yet effective technique to re-align the spinal, pelvic and cranial bones.

It is a low-force technique that is incredibly helpful in caring for pregnant women, babies and children. But due to its powerful structurally-corrective abilities, it is also my primary technique with many adult patients.

Paediatric Chiropractic Care (PCC)

Specific and gentle adjustments appropriate to an infant and child’s spine and cranium helping to enhance future function and well-being of children.

Postpartum Chiropractic Care (PCC)

Will help you to get the body back to its natural healthy state, with gentle chiropractic adjustments to get the body re-aligned and provide core stabilization exercises.

Tonal Chiropractic (TC)

TC is a very gentle, yet powerful approach to the chiropractic adjustment. It uses subtle, yet precise touches, primarily along the spine. These very specific touches create greater awareness throughout the nervous system. Due to the gentle nature of this work it’s incredibly effective in paediatric care including young babies, animals love it too!

Tonal adjustments begin to recalibrate – or in other words, re-educate –  both muscle and connective tissue tone. The result is that the spine begins to intuitively reorganise movement patterns. This reorganisation can often be felt by the patient whilst lying on the chiropractic table, with the body relaxing and softening into a more peaceful space.

Through this process of recalibration, greater levels of organisation are programmed into the nervous system. As a result, it becomes more sophisticated, efficient – and therefore works better. In the same way that when a guitar is properly tuned the sounds are more harmonic, when the body is more finely-tuned, it expresses itself with more vitality, granting the individual greater clarity and peace of mind.